Historical or hysterical?
This movie has all the makings of a clock classic. First of all the simplicity of the title. Second of all it takes a real look at what was going on at the time when you originally submitted this movie. Real grade A stuff!
Historical or hysterical?
This movie has all the makings of a clock classic. First of all the simplicity of the title. Second of all it takes a real look at what was going on at the time when you originally submitted this movie. Real grade A stuff!
Pretty funny
I'm guessing inspired from other things going on. I don't think most folks here know what a perenium is. You would have been better off saying "gooch" or "taint." Also good use of chocolate syrup!
You didn't spend a lot of time on this. Plus the stick figures in itself made it pretty boring. Other than simple unoriginal stick figure violence into a mechanical function there really was nothing exciting about it. I suggest you practice more.
This was actually made really well. It's about due time they put something that's front page worthy on the front page. The frame by frame work was solid, the voice acting was without any glitching, it had a good script. The length was solid, and the color work was solid too. There's really nothing to bitch about with the movie. Keep up the good work.
It's been done
There's really not much in the way of Mario sprites that you can do that hasn't been done before. So that's no points for originality. It's so minimally done it doesn't even require a preloader. So a lack of effort is also another complaint on my part. So you essentially get two points for tweening sprites that you didn't even draw. For shame.
I would have given you a ten if you had used Bruce Campbell instead of George Clooney. Nonetheless the idea is there, and I sure do like the idea of coffee. Keep em coming, I look forward to these.
This is a powerful message.
I see how you took the irony of a flash animation group, and presented the distracting challenges it faces. I too h!ave dreams of a world where people stop doing stupid shit and start making flash. Kudos to you good sir! The message alone deserves a 10. With the outstanding artwork I wish I could have rated it a 12!
It was amusing.
It wasn't as catchy as say Mango, or Crabs. Nonetheless it was entertaining. Maybe stay away from food groups and go into doing something else like animals or kitchenware.
SUP GAIS!11111
Age 39, Male
Charming Vagrant
Joined on 2/25/05