Oh Mr. Pure Carnage you're such a kidder! SBC loves you and so does the rest of the Clock Crew.
Absinthe Clock
Oh Mr. Pure Carnage you're such a kidder! SBC loves you and so does the rest of the Clock Crew.
Absinthe Clock
Nobody loves me... I am unlovable. They said in my friendship class that I was a cold prickly, and they were right.
I must be Queen of the portal!
How to get a save point...
I voted 5 on this movie and I'm going to recieve an easy save point... Do you want to get an easy save point? Then vote the fifen!
That Mr_Artist...
He's one bad egg!
That Absinthe Clock there... He's a bad egg!
To all the haters out there...
I would like to answer a few commonly asked questions.
1) Are you SBC (OMFG I FUKKIN H8 JEW!32112)
Yes... In fact every clock you see on Newgrounds is one in the same person. I just thought it would be funny to create hundreds of accounts, make a fake website, and then have conversations with myself nonstop 24/7.
2) WTF B?
3) Is it true you can hack my computer?
4) Why is it that you guys make really good movies and really shitty movies?
Why don't you have any movies, and why is your #1 submission choice some sim dating game? Cartoon titties ahoy-hoy!
5) Are you the Lock Legion too?
No, the LL is run by Cambodian children who work over a laptop day and night to pretend they are the LL.
6) Are you Coolboyman?
No, I am SBC.
7) Are you really SBC?
8) Do you really have Cambodian children pretending to be the LL?
It was that or Make A Wish kids at Neverland Ranch.
<3 SBC (No really... We're ALL SBC!)
Yeah bitches!
Thanks for voting, TheGreatAbe!
Your experience points gave you a voting power of 5.11 votes. Your blam and protection points gave you an additional 12% of your experience power, meaning that your total vote power was worth 5.72 votes!
The more experience points you have combined with BLAM and PROTECTION points, the more your vote is worth!
You gave this entry a 5, raising its score from 0.8583 to 0.8704!
Worst movie ever!
Absinthe Clock? Who the fuck has ever heard of a fucking tool like Absinthe Clock? Fuck Absinthe Clock... Fuck him in the ear!
Yours Truly
-Absinthe Clock
SUP GAIS!11111
Age 39, Male
Charming Vagrant
Joined on 2/25/05