
AbsintheClock's Medals


Total Medals Earned: 457 (From 116 different games.)
Total Medal Score: 9,495 Points

Medieval Rampage

Medals Earned: 1/9 (5/315 points)

First Kill 5 Points

Kill First Enemy

Tenth Kill 10 Points

Kill Tenth Enemy

First Boss 25 Points

Kill First Boss

Fourth Boss 25 Points

Kill Fourth Boss

Second Boss 25 Points

Kill Second Boss

Third Boss 25 Points

Kill Third Boss

75 Achievements 50 Points

Collect 75 Achievements

Fifth Boss 50 Points

Kill Fifth Boss

100 Achievements 100 Points

Collect 100 Achievements

Mega Miner

Medals Earned: 17/18 (445/495 points)

Coal Miner 5 Points

Mine 20 Pieces of Coal

Digging Deep 5 Points

Reach a Depth of 300 Meters

Iron Miner 5 Points

Mine 20 Pieces of Iron

Silver Miner 5 Points

Mine 20 Pieces of Silver

Emerald Miner 10 Points

Mine 20 Emeralds

Explorer 10 Points

Clear 5% of the Map

Gold Miner 10 Points

Mine 20 Pieces of Gold

Saphire Miner 10 Points

Mine 20 Saphires

Under Pressure 10 Points

Reach a Depth of 600 Meters

Diamond Miner 25 Points

Mine 20 Diamonds

Rock Bottom 25 Points

Reach a Depth of 1000 Meters

Ruby Miner 25 Points

Mine 20 Rubies

Black Box 50 Points

Find the Source of the Signal

Giant Gems 50 Points

Find 10 Giant Gems

Prospector 50 Points

Clear 10% of the Map

Treasure! 50 Points

Find all the Treasure

Excavator 100 Points

Clear 25% of the Map

Lost King 50 Points

Find the Ancient Remains

Miami Shark

Medals Earned: 11/12 (450/500 points)

Apache 25 Points

Crush the Apache Helicopter

LearJet 25 Points

Crush the Lear Jet

Mini 25 Points

Crush the Mini-Helictopter

Sheriff 25 Points

Crush the Sheriff-Helicopter

B2 50 Points

Crush the B-2 Spirit

B52 50 Points

Crush the B-52 Fortress

B747 50 Points

Crush the Boeing 747

Beluga 50 Points

Crush the Airbus Beluga

Concorde 50 Points

Crush the Concorde

Ducks 50 Points

Kill 15 Ducks

SpaceShuttle 50 Points

Crush the Space Shuttle

Sailor 50 Points

Crush 95 Sailing Yachts

Moovlin PC

Medals Earned: 2/37 (10/495 points)

Are you ready for Adventure? 5 Points

Finish the opening tutorial.

Space Cadet 5 Points

Beat every level in Jazela Galaxy.

25 Minutes of Amazement 5 Points

Watch all the cutscenes.

Astronaut City 5 Points

Find the Space Helmet.

Cheeseworld Champion 5 Points

Level 3-1: Get over 10100 points!

Credits 5 Points

Anybody who has this medal is a TOTAL BADASS!

Fanbase 5 Points

Find the first piece of hidden bonus art.

GET ER' DONE! 5 Points

Find the cowboy hat.

Glub Glub 5 Points

Finish a swimming level.

Mooviball Champion 5 Points

Level 6-1: Get over 8700 points!

No Fooling Around 5 Points

Brutally beat the crap out of Truff and take no damage in the process.

Robot Slayer 5 Points

Kill 15 robots.

Sky Fury 5 Points

Complete the "Missile Mania" level in Sunshine Plains.

Suicidal 5 Points

Die 20 times.

Sun Station Champion 5 Points

Level 1-1: Get over 9656 points!

Suzuki Pyramid Champion 5 Points

Level 2-2: Get over 14600 points!

Thwarted Gravity 5 Points

Die from falling upwards.

You have friends? 5 Points

Play a multiplayer mode.

Choked! 10 Points

Kill Polypiscis without taking any damage.

Comatose City Champion 10 Points

Level 4-1: Get over 9100 points!

Gear Mistro 10 Points

Collect all the gears in Sun Station Level 1.

Ice Caps Champion 10 Points

Level 8-1: Get over 9300 points!

Lava Survival Champion 10 Points

Level 7-3: Get over 2000 points!

Midnight Carnival Champion 10 Points

Level 2-3: Get over 3000 points!

Peaks of Glory Champion 10 Points

Level 8-2: Get over 10730 points!

Planet Lavarious Champion 10 Points

Level 7-1: Get over 9500 points!

Robot Factory Champion 10 Points

Level 10-1: Get over 7800 points!

Selia Desert Champion 10 Points

Level 2-1: Get over 9500 points!

Space Major 10 Points

Beat every level in Radion Galaxy.

Sunshine Plains Champion 10 Points

Level 6-1: Get over 8600 points!

Space General 25 Points

Beat every level in Black Hole Paradise.

Hat Messiah 50 Points

Collect all 9 hats. Also, congrats, this is quite tough to do.

Impossible is Nothing 50 Points

Complete "The Parliament" without losing any health.

The Full Gallery 50 Points

Collect all 12 bonus artwork pieces. This could take a while...

Space God 100 Points

Beat the game!

Secret Medal ????? Points

Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!

Secret Medal ????? Points

Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!

Name That Bill

Medals Earned: 5/10 (185/225 points)

Obvious Easter Egg! 25 Points

Unlock alternative Bill portraits for every Bill!

High Score: BILL BILL BILL 50 Points

You seem to be a man of some learning.

Perfect Score 100 Points

You came, you saw, you kicked its ass!

Secret Medal ????? Points

Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!

Secret Medal ????? Points

Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!

No score: Just a Bill. 5 Points

You'll be a law someday, at least I hope and pray.

Low Score: Unimpresston 10 Points

This is a dude who, a few seconds ago, laughed at your score.

Medium Score: Billy Wonka 25 Points

Tell me how you know all about Bills, again.

Newgrounds Pass 3

Medals Earned: 3/18 (60/500 points)

Private 10 Points

Complete 5 levels

Eagle Eyes 25 Points

Complete lvl 6 on the first pick

The secret ammo box 25 Points

Find the secret ammo box on lvl 4

Colonel 10 Points

Complete 20 levels

General 10 Points

Complete 25 levels

Major 10 Points

Complete 15 levels

Sergeant 10 Points

Complete 10 levels

Committed 25 Points

Find secret area 3

Insane 25 Points

Find secret area 5

Observer 25 Points

Find secret area 2

Scout 25 Points

Find secret area 1

Too much free time! 25 Points

Find secret area 4

True minesweeper 25 Points

Complete lvl 29

Weebl's secret island 25 Points

Find the secret island on lvl 13

Wrong turn 25 Points

Find the secret area on lvl 16

Revive 50 Points

Complete the game with a revive

Takeover 50 Points

Complete the game with a takeover

Click, click, click... 100 Points

Complete lvl 27

Newgrounds Rumble

Medals Earned: 6/13 (120/320 points)

Hoarder Patrol 5 Points

Snag the first three powerups in a match before anyone else has a chance to.

People Pancakes 5 Points

Lure two or more opponents into the trash compactor during any battle in the Scrapyard.

Wile E. Ways 10 Points

Knock an opponent out of the ring three times in one match.

C-C-Combo Maker 25 Points

Deliver at least 80 damage in one aerial combo.

Diplomatically Challenged 25 Points

Complete all 12 challenges in Challenge Mode.

The Eventuallyending Story 50 Points

Complete all 12 stories in Story Mode.

C-C-Combo Breaker 10 Points

Parry three times in one jump.

Meat Shield 25 Points

Trick an opponent into killing one of their own teammates with a projectile.

Survival Horror 25 Points

Survive at least 5 opponents in Survival Mode on OMFG difficulty.

Wall Street Brawler 25 Points

Bank over 5000 Grounds Gold.

Transgressive Compulsive 100 Points

Earn 100% Game Completion.

Secret Medal ????? Points

Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!

Secret Medal ????? Points

Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!

Next Action Frog

Medals Earned: 3/10 (25/425 points)

Green Frogs Can Jump 5 Points

Finish level 5

1up! 10 Points

Finish level 14

Skilled Jumper 10 Points

Finish level 10

Flock Rider 25 Points

Finish level 18

Timing is Everything 25 Points

Finish level 21

Almost Famous 50 Points

Finish level 27

Hanging by a Pixel 50 Points

Finish level 24

Impossible is Nothing 50 Points

Complete the game

30 Lives 100 Points

Complete the game with less than 30 deaths

The Next Videogame Star 100 Points

Complete the game with less than 10 deaths

Paradox Embrace

Medals Earned: 2/10 (10/360 points)

Bridging the Gap 5 Points

Pass level 1

Withered Away 5 Points

Succumb to the clutches of death

Logically Delicious 25 Points

Pass level 6

Master of Mysteries 25 Points

Pass level 9

Naturally Talented 25 Points

Pass levels 1-3

Undeterred 25 Points

Pass any level other than 7 without getting hurt

Demon Dodger 50 Points

Pass level 7 without getting hurt

Spacetime Traveler 50 Points

Pass levels 6-9 with a combined time under 20 minutes

Speedy Runner 50 Points

Pass levels 1-5 with a combined time under 20 minutes

Embracer of Paradoxes 100 Points

Pass all levels with a combined time under 19 minutes

Pico Radio

Medals Earned: 2/18 (10/90 points)

Art Lover 5 Points

Go to arts NG page!

This is a TEST! 5 Points


B 5 Points


Bitches Love Poundcake 5 Points

Would anyone like some pound cake?

DeathInk Lover 5 Points

Go to Authors NG page!

Emrox's Picks 5 Points

Listen to Emrox's favorite NG music

Keeping a promise 5 Points

I kept mine, here is a little something for keeping yours!

LazyMuffin LP 5 Points

LazyMuffin plays the hits!

Mother Lover 5 Points

Click the Newgrounds link. CLICK IT!!!!!

Music Lover 5 Points

Go to songs NG page!

Radio Lover 5 Points

If you love this Radio, you will get this medal.

Seraph's Picks 5 Points

Listen to FightingSeraph's favorite NG musicians

Sexual-Lobster LP 5 Points

Gaze into my chocolate eyes...

Spooktober 5 Points

Lister to the spooktober update!

Super Meat Boy 5 Points


The 100 5 Points

100 down

The People's Pico 5 Points

Let them shuffle tracks!

TOM 5 Points

It rhymes with bomb!